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.conf®18 sessions

From Endpoint to Firewall – Building Effective Threat Perimeters With Cisco and Splunk

Gone are the days when an effective perimeter is just access control at the firewall. Users and traffic move on and off the enterprise network, leaving wide gaps in visibility and threat detection. While firewalls are still key to the perimeter, endpoints and visibility into off-network traffic have become key to deploying effective perimeter security. The good news is you probably already have the telemetry needed to build an effective threat perimeter – you’re just not using it.

In this session we’ll discuss where to use Splunk analytics with Cisco Security to:

  • Turn your access control perimeter into a threat control perimeter by increasing threat insights gathered from your Cisco firewalls.
  • Analyze user and endpoint traffic behavior on and off-network, including SaaS applications with Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
  • Identify malicious Internet destinations and stop users from accessing them with Cisco Umbrella.

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